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Flow Process

Flow Mode

The flow process section describes how the flow loop of the main process in Zene works. To modify the flow loop mode, the user can access the Flow Setting Area and make the desired changes according to your specific requirements.

Zene offers two (2) distinct flow modes: Input First Mode and Zipper Mode. Each mode follows a different flow process:

Input First Mode

picture 2

Input First Flow Mode Flow Chart

In this mode, the flow loop begins by executing all the input tools first. The image data obtained from each input tool is stored in the memory. Once all the input tools have completed their execution, the flow loop proceeds to run through all the process flows. The image data acquired from the input tools is then utilised as the input for the process flows.

As an example, considering the input sequence "AAABBB" at the beginning of the flow loop, the image data from the input tools is collected and stored in memory. Afterward, the flow loop moves on to the process flows, utilising the stored input data for further processing. The "Extra Flow" in the diagram represents an additional flow that may include tools like the Pop-up Alert nested tools.


The Input First Mode is the default mode in Zene.

Zipper Mode

picture 3

Zipper Flow Mode Flow Chart

In the Zipper Mode, the flow loop will run through an input tool then a process flow and repeat until all the input tools and process flows are done.

Inputs between processes: ABABAB. Note that Extra Flow in the diagram is the flow that includes tools such as the Pop-up tool.

Flow Time

The flow time is the time it takes for the main flow loop to complete run. For both modes, the flow time is the time it takes for the flow to run through all the input tools and process flows. The flow time is shown in milliseconds in the dashboard during the running of the flow, see Server Status Information for more details.

The user can adjust the flow time by adjusting the Flow Time setting in the Flow Setting area, see Flow Setting Area for more details.

If the actual flow time is longer than the flow time set, the next flow will start immediately. Otherwise, the next flow will start after the flow time is up. This is calculated from the time taken for the previous flow to complete.


The default flow time set here is 0 seconds. Which means the next flow will start immediately after the previous flow is done.